The world's top 5 best diets for weight loss

The world's top 5 best diets for weight loss

U.S. News and World Report invite experts in nutrition, diet, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease every year. For dozens of weight-loss dietary patterns that work, and from the selection of the latest year's five overall best diets, the best overall five diets in 2021 are in order: 

Mediterranean Diet, Deshu Diet (2021 Best Overall Top 5 Diets) 

The order is: Mediterranean Diet, Mediterranean Diet (, Deshu Diet (2021), the overall five diets are: 

  • Mediterranean Diet
  • Deshu Diet (2021)
  • Dash diet
  • Elastic Vegetarian Diet (The FlexitarianDiet)
  • WeightWatchers diet
  • MayoClinicDiet

In this article, we have compiled an introduction to these five best diets for weight loss and explained how to eat them for each diet. 

After finishing, we also found that these diets can almost be paired with nuts because nuts oils are good oils, and nuts are rich in vitamins, dietary fiber, trace elements, and unsaturated fatty acids, helping to maintain good cholesterol in the blood, making them ideal for healthy eating.

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So, let's start with the best diets for weight loss:

1st place: Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is a study by American physiologist Ancel Keys on the association between diet and heart disease. It was found that people living in countries around the Mediterranean have a long life expectancy and low rates of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which come from their particular diet.

The greatest principle of the Mediterranean diet is to consume large quantities of healthy eating diet plan such as plant-based foods, 
vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, olive oil, and twice-weekly fish and seafood. These diet plans are most effective for losing weight. 

Poultry, eggs, and dairy products can be consumed in moderation, but avoid red meat, processed foods, and refined starch. Also with enough drinking water, drink a moderate amount of red wine, because red wine contains red wine polyphenols and resveratrol, has antioxidant effects, and can protect blood vessels. 

By 20% The Mediterranean diet does not specifically limit the proportion of fat in the diet, with a focus on eating more good oils, such as olive oil. Nuts also have many benefits, one of which is rich in high-quality fats. 

Olive oil is also cooked at low temperatures, such as salad dressings. 

Studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, diabetes, but also anti-cancer effects can prevent colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, and other cancers. the Mediterranean diet is not only not difficult to implement, but also has many benefits for good health.

2nd place: Dash Diet is a diet

Developed by U.S. medical researchers with the primary goal of lowering blood pressure. In addition to lowering blood pressure, a relaxed diet can also promote bone health and reduce blood fat, so some people are also used to losing weight. 

The diet has something in common with the Mediterranean diet, such as avoiding or reducing red meat (cow, pig, lamb, etc.) and eating more vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

However, there are clear limits on sodium intake, not more than 2.3 grams a day,
equivalent to 6 grams of salt;

Unlike the Mediterranean weight loss diet, the source of fat is mainly olive oil, the diet in principle as long as it is vegetable oil can, in addition to the appropriate intake of some nuts, about one serving a day. 

However, to achieve the goal of controlling blood pressure, in addition to diet, but also with regular exercise, but also reduce alcohol consumption, smoking, maintain adequate sleep and positive mood, to maintain the health of the body and mind. 

3rd place: Elastic Vegetarian Diet

The Flexitarian diet is on the annual U.S. List of the Best Diets Diet) won the best weight-loss diet. So what is an elastic vegetarian diet? 
In fact, it is very simple, is the diet of protein is mainly from beans, eggs, and nuts, but occasionally can eat animal meat, it is the so-called "elastic vegetarian."

In addition, the elastic vegetarian diet and the Mediterranean diet, to eat a large number of vegetables, fruits, nuts, the main food part to avoid refined starch, mainly whole grains, and in the cooking should pay attention to the use of oil and salt. 

You can use olive oil, as well as nuts, to get good fat.

But to achieve weight loss effect, or pay attention to calories, nutrition experts recommend 3-4-5 rule, that is, breakfast 300 calories, lunch 400 cards, dinner 500 calories. 

Meals can eat two snacks, sugar-free Ugg with comprehensive nuts, dark chocolate are very good choices. 

In addition to losing weight, an elastic vegetarian diet with large number of fruits and vegetables can also prevent heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, good for health. 

4th place: Weight Watchers Diet

Weight Watchers Diet is a diet that uses a special set of calorie calculation methods and is made by an American housewife who has successfully lost weight Jean Nidetch Invented is a fairly effective weight loss diet. 

The Points Plus system for weight watchers' diets distributes points based on the fat, protein, carbohydrate, and fiber that food contains, replacing calorie calculations, with a higher ratio of saturated fat to sugar and a higher value;

This diet does not limit the type and quantity of food, but according to the logic of fractional calculation, in principle, low-fat, high-fiber foods, avoid high-fat, high-calorie foods is not wrong. Also, take good fatty
 acids, comprehensive nuts have this benefit. 

In addition to these principles, the diet will be adapted to each person's habits. With regular exercise, drinking more water, weight loss is not so far away. 

5th place: Mayo Clinic Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet is a diet recommended by a medical institution in the United States called Mayo. The principle of the Mayo Clinic diet is to select "low-calorie density" foods, i.e. fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which contain lower calories per unit weight, so even if you eat more portions, you won't eat many calories.

If you want to use the Mayo Clinic diet to lose weight, in addition to regular exercise habits, try to consume a variety of nutrients, with two stages to complete. 

The first is the weight loss phase, a two-week diet that doesn't require calorie counting, but eats fruits and vegetables and cereals, snacks, sugars, and avoids too much meat and whole-fat dairy products. 

By the second stage, you should start counting calories and pay attention to the amount of each nutrient. 

Oats, nuts, soybeans, deep-sea fish, orange juice are all very high-quality burden-bearing steroid foods, using a low-fat diet with the right amount of intake of comprehensive nuts, in addition to weight loss can also promote good health.

Although the calories of nuts are high, the appropriate intake can still control calories in an acceptable range, the focus is that nuts are rich in dietary fiber, a small amount of intake, there will be a sense of satiety, can help reduce the amount of food, and thus achieve the effect of weight loss. 


Since most of these sustainable diets can be carried out with nuts, we recommend that nuts be careful when selecting whether they are packaged completely so as not to affect the freshness of the nuts

Again, if you buy a large number of nuts at a time, be sure to pay attention to the way nuts are kept, need to be placed in a shade dry place, avoid direct sunlight, can be placed in cold storage, nuts open, be sure to eat within 1-2 weeks, each time you take nuts, take the container immediately sealed, to extend the freshness of nuts. 

In addition, it is best to choose a combination of nuts, a variety of nutrients to meet, and it is best to choose low-temperature roasted nuts, because low-temperature baking, is the best to retain the full nutrition of nuts, rather than high temperature or fried nuts, too much nutrition loss, there may also be unhealthy oil.

After reading the above "best diets for weight loss" finishing, I believe that these experts will be able to select the diet, have a deeper understanding, whether it is to lose weight or improve health, people can be through these diet plans that work.

In addition to these diets of losing weight or improving health, the U.S. News and World Report website also rank diabetic diets, heart-healthy diets, and the simplest diets to follow, and those interested in these diets can also check out their websites.

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